The image below is not mine. It was suggested by AI tech however, I am using it right here in my blog to start. Thinking about blogging for radio is a bit difficult for me as this is my first time. However, I love music. My friends and I love music. By the way, thanks to AI.
We are basically do not have experienced in technology but we are ready to embrace this new journey of making radio online at the same time my love for plants will also be introduced here on my blog.

Maybe you will wonder? What is the connection of the picture to this blog or for creation of radio FM online?
Well, we can see rocks on the picture. For me, it is really meaningful because Rocks represents foundation of life and survival. It is also symbols of stability and resilience. As a radio owner, who start with no experience of anything in this industry, i am looking into this figure to motivate this new journey. This is my first hand experience where I know I have a hard time understanding. Notwithstanding, if I put my time and effort together to learn a new things I will be that rocks that can endure the hardship and built to last.
What about the water, how it can connect for this radio station journey?
Water is like Rocks, it represents life and transformation. It symbolizes of so many things on earth. To connect the water into my new journey, well, it symbolizes wisdom and transition. My knowledge for creating radio is very limited but acquiring the knowledge of being a DJ of the radio is something I can obtain eventually. Managing the station also is something I can learn over the period of time.
So, stay tuned with me.
Happy listening.
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